Club Championship

The Club Championship is an annual competition open to all members. Members earn points by running in a club vest in races over the Club Year.

Many of the fixtures are subsidised by the club, so please get in touch with our race captains if you want to race!

2024 fixtures

16/06/2024 – Eltham Park 5 miles – Results
09/07/2024 – Kangaroo hop 5K – Results
30/07/2024 – Battersea 1 mile relay – Results
01/09/2024 – Big Half – Results or International Trip half marathon – Results
21/09/2024 – Pride run 10KResults
21/12/2024 – Lee Valley Velopark 10 miler – Results
Any full marathon
Five races at the Met League cross countryResults

How it works?

The core races include various distances, locations and terrains. Participants earn participation (10 points per appearance) and position points – the fastest runner will get 500 points, the second fastest will get 499 points, and so on.

Club members can qualify for the Club Championship by running even just one race and the top seven positions are counted for an individual.

Various prizes are awarded to first-claim Club members. Second claim club members will be fully included in the results table and they will have an overall ranking in the final positions, provided they are wearing an LFR vest.

Runners receiving prize at LFR club championships